Monday, November 8, 2010

Comment on original editorial

Comment on "Conceived in Liberty"

"Uncle Sam Wants YOU... Unless You're Homosexual"

Good post!

I agree with you entirely. The bottom line is, Americans descriminate it seems to be our nature quite honestly. We live in a country that is one of the most powerful at best and we are arrogant. I am an avid service worker, I work with homeless artists often through an organization called "Art from the Streets" even then, I can feel myself and other judging. Its the law of the land. If everyone could set down their pompous opinions and accept that there are thousands if not millions of closet gays out there, I think our country would be a lot more unified. I respect the military greatly and am greatful for the brave soldiers that are defending us everyday, but I don't think banning gays and lesbians from the military is a good way to show the respect and honor soldiers are supposed to have. I understand that there are consequences but, isn't that a good thing? Isn't that what we should be doing to help our country? Lets face it- American isn't so hot right now. Our economy is in shambles are there are more unemployed everyday, where do we have to go but up? I cannot reason with an opinion that believes that accepting gay and lesbians into our society would be a bad thing. It's people's own arrogance that stops it from happening now. We honestly shouldn't be worrying about accepting gays and lesbians into the armed forces, we have an even bigger task- accepting gays and lesbians into our country, making gay marriage legal, stop being unsympathetic and start striving to make our country what it once was. Our founding fathers didn't create our country in order to scrutinize it's citizens. In George Washington's farewell speech he addressed the country clearly and told them that he didn't believe in division of any people, he didn't even believe in political parties. That is where our morals should stem from. Accepting each other is not hard, but it is a necessity.

We need to look at the big picture here and ask each other Why should we care about sexual orientation? It doesn't matter, were all people.

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